Trish McEvoy Eye Base Essentials - REVIEW

  • I love this product. It’s easy to apply and does its job well on my older skin. Will definitely purchase again!
  • Love product!!! Absolutely love product! But I never got 1st order! "They" said its "delivered" but unless I've gone blind, 1st order nvr did arrive. So I had to buy it Again. N why???? What is problem b.t. ordering your product n delivery???? Do we need a homing pigeon system?????
  • My shadow lasted all day. Very pleased.The tan shade is not too dark at all. I have light-medium skin tone with olive undertones and it is perfect.
  • Worked in the cosmetic business for 12 years; this is my favorite eye base. I did not work for this brand, but I have used it for 8 years.It is essential for eye shadow. I generally use it by itself as a natural eye shadow. My eyes look less tired, refreshed, bigger with this product - oh and less aged:).
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